Sunday, May 17, 2009

We are learning to be flexible!

We are learning to "go with the flow" here in this beautiful third world country. Wherever we go we are expected to line up to be received as though we were in a wedding. They are very fascinated with these white faces of ours, it still gives us cause to smile.

The last two days we have been at the main base (Worlep Village) doing outreach with missions and night crusades through the local churches. The Lord has been faithful as we pray for people. Many have received major healing.

It has been frustrating trying to communicate with you all back home this trip and it may get worse before it gets better. Today has been extremely trying to our patience with the travel plans, but it has meant we were able to call you! We were supposed to leave early this morning for Lamap, but are still patiently waiting for a truck to take us on a three hour ride to our scheduled meeting. This will now have to be postponed to tonight at the Lewis Village.

The present plan, that may change at a moment's notice, will take us for the next few days between Urbif and Rano Islands for more ministry. We are scheduled to help haul sand and gravel here as well. Rano is also known as a beautiful spot for swimming, snorkeling and fishing, so we may try our hands at some of these. Following this our plans have changed and we will go back to Warlop village. From this base we plan to go out to the neighboring villages to preform our drama and minister to people.

We are trying to have a good attitude with the room and board here, but many of us are longing for the comforts of home! :) This morning we had grapefruit and corn for breakfast and a sweet potato for lunch. We are hoping for some dinner, but often the natives don't eat an evening meal. This is a bit of a challenge to our American mindset! We are hoping for the fish and bread to be multiplied!

Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer!
We love you!

SOLD Out '09

1 comment:

christine daugherty said...

it is so good to see your updates. i check on a regular basis and when there is one we gather around and i read it to everyone (it reminds me of how families used to gather around the radio),then we pray. i'm really really missing you today. we will pray you catch some fish to eat to add to laplap.
ciao christine